Monday, May 6, 2013

Reasons for SGA Elections Voter Turn-Out

Each year, the Student Government Association (SGA) holds elections and they do their best to increase voter turn-out by advertising and by word of mouth.  But from what I heard during an SGA meeting, less than 25% of the undergraduate student body (4,000 students total) vote each year.

Some students are not informed about the elections, despite the advertisements on e-campus and on campus.  Some students forget to vote or just do not have the time to do say, even though it takes less than 5 minutes to do so.  Other students are misinformed about the elections are do not know that they are allowed to vote.  For example, Janae Cummings '13, who has served as the Vice President of her class in SGA, did not know that she was allowed to vote for candidates who ran for cabinet positions.

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